If you are using an update panel inside of a repeater’s ItemTemplate you must either use Eval() instead of accessing the data item directly, or you must explicitly cast the data item:


That is all 🙂

About cosier

Matthew Cosier is the Chief Technology Officer at Hazaa. We are a group of experienced consultants based in Melbourne, Australia who solve business problems using Microsoft Technology. For more information, please visit http://www.hazaa.com.au

7 responses »

  1. Mayank says:

    Thanks a ton dude, it was driving me nuts.

  2. Jerry Nixon says:

    Perfect. Thanks.

  3. Philipp says:

    Thank you. Helped me alot!

  4. jenn says:

    very helpful and to the point.

  5. Bobby says:

    You da man!

  6. rizwana says:

    ‘ASP.signup_aspx’ does not contain a definition for ‘DetailsView1_ItemInserting’ and no extension method ‘DetailsView1_ItemInserting’ accepting a first argument of type ‘ASP.signup_aspx’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) what is meaning i just past the detail view in to the already existed form with table

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